
Product Design and Development (Desain Produk dan Pengembangan)

Kursus ini memberikan pengetahuan dasar & teknik untuk pengembangan dan desain produk kimia. Materi meliputi metodologi desain produk kimia, pengenalan produk formulasi, operasi dan peralatan proses untuk pembuatan produk formulasi.


  1. Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S. T. (2012). Product Design and Development (5th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
  2. Wesselingh, J. A., Kiil, S., & Vigild, M. E. (2007). Design and Development of Biological, Chemical, Food, and Pharmaceutical Products. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  3. Sieder, W. D., Seader, J. D., Lewin, R. L., & Widagdo, S. (2009). Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Development Processes and Organizations

This session includes materials about:

  1. Product Development Process
  2. The Front-End Process
  3. Adapting the Generic Product Development Process
  4. Product Development Process Flows
  5. Product Development Organizations

Identifying Customer Needs

The materials discussed includes:

  1. Gather Raw Data from Customers
  2. Transform Raw Data from Customers into Customer Needs
  3. Organize the Needs into a Hierarchy
  4. Establish the Relative Importance of the Needs
  5. Reflect of the Results and the Process

Product Specifications

The materials discussed in this session includes:

  1. What are Specifications?
  2. Establishing Target Specifications
  3. Setting the Final Specifications

Concept Generation, Selection, and Testing

The materials discussed in this session includes:

  1. Five Steps of Concept Generation
  2. Concept Screening
  3. Concept Scoring
  4. Concept Testing

Manufacturing Process

This session discuss materials:

  1. Final Product Specifications
  2. Brand and Prototype
  3. Production Capacity and Forecasting
  4. Flowsheet the Process
  5. Production Layout
  6. Performance of Production

Supply Chain and Distribution

This session discuss materials in:

  1. Production Planning
  2. Inventory Control
  3. Physical Distribution Systems: Warehouse
  4. Physical Distribution Systems: Transportation

Economic Evaluation

This sessions includes materials in:

  1. Capital Cost Estimation
  2. Operating Cost Estimation
  3. Time Value of Money
  4. Cash Flow and Depreciation
  5. Cost Breakdown and Product Pricing
  6. Profitabiliy Analysis (ROI, IRR, PP, BEP)
  7. Sensitivity Analysis