
Process Plant Design (Desain Proses Pabrik)

Kursus Desain Proses Pabrik ini menyediakan lingkungan belajar bagi murid untuk menerapkan mata pelajaran sains dan teknik secara komprehensif dan keterampilan pendukung seperti keterampilan komputer serta kerja sama tim untuk melakukan proyek desain pabrik. Topik pelajaran mencakup sintesis proses, desain peralatan, jaringan penukar panas, keselamatan proses, dan analisis ekonomis pabrik.


  1. Sieder, W. D., Seader, J. D., Lewin, R. L., & Widagdo, S. (2009). Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. Smith, R. (2005). Chemical Process Design and Integration. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  3. Turton, R., Shaeiwitz, J. A., Bhattacharyya, D., and Whiting, W. B. (2018). Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes (5th ed.). Prentice Hall.

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Process Synthesis

Process synthesis session will discuss:

  1. Process Operation
  2. Synthesis Steps
  3. Block Flow Diagrams
  4. Process Flow Diagrams
  5. Conventions for Utilities and Streams

Technical Analysis

When comes to designing a process plant, there are several aspects that needs to be considered, which is:

  1. Effect of Operating Pressure to Reactors and Separators
  2. Effect of Operating Temperature to Reactors and Separators
  3. Nonstoichiometric Reactor Feed Compositions
  4. Changes in Stream Conditions when Passing through a Single Equipment
  5. Heuristics for Process Synthesis

Heat Exchangers Network

To produce energy efficient plant, engineers must utilize every heat effectively. To achieve this, the materials that need to be studied are:

  1. Composite Curves
  2. Minimum Utility Target
  3. Stream Matching
  4. Heat Loops in HEN

Utilities and Waste Treatment

Every process plants need utilities and/or waste treatments. This session will discuss:

  1. Typical Sites Utility System
  2. Boiler Feedwater Treatment
  3. Steam Boiler
  4. Cooling Water System
  5. Refrigeration Cycle
  6. Water Treatment Process
  7. Atmospheric Emissions

P&ID and Plant Layout

Both drawings are needed to ensure the plant is feasible to be built. This session will also discuss:

  1. Typical Control Systems
  2. Basic Symbols and Instrument Lines
  3. Applying Control Systems to The Processes
  4. Piping and Instrumentations Diagram
  5. Plant Siting and Layout
  6. Separation Distances between Equipment

Economic Analysis

As one of the most important aspect in designing a plant, economic analysis must be conducted. This session discuss:

  1. Capital Cost Estimation: Guthrie's Method
  2. Operating Cost Estimation
  3. Time Value of Money
  4. Cash Flow and Depreciation
  5. Cost Breakdown and Product Pricing
  6. Profitabiliy Analysis (ROI, IRR, PP, BEP)
  7. Sensitivity Analysis