
Engineering Economy (Ekonomi Rekayasa)

Kursus Engineering Economy ini akan memberikan pengetahuan terkait teknik dasar dalam ekonomi, dan akan membahas analisis biaya, pembiayaan proyek, dan analisis sensitivitas. yang mana kursus ini akan membantu permasalahan ekonomi dalam bidang industri. Materi meliputi estimasi biaya modal & operasional, perencanaan arus kas, analisis profitabilitas proyek, & perencanaan & pemantauan proyek dasar.


  1. Blank, L., & Tarquin, A. (2012). Engineering Economy (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
  2. Sullivan, W. G., Wicks, E. M., & Koelling, C. P. (2015). Engineering Economy (16th ed.). Pearson Education

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Time Value of Money

This session introduce about engineering economy and how a value of money changes over time. This session includes materials about:

  1. Role of Engineering Economy
  2. How Time and Interest Affect Money
  3. Single-Amount Factors (F/P and P/F)
  4. Uniform Series Present Worth and Capital Recovery Factor (P/A and A/P)
  5. Sinking Fund Factor and Uniform Series Compound Amount Factor (A/F and F/A)
  6. Interpolation in Interest Tables

Interest Rates

This session discuss more about interest in economy. The materials discussed includes:

  1. Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
  2. Effective Annual Interest Rates
  3. Effective Interest Rates for Any Time Period
  4. Effective Interest Rate for Continuous Compounding
  5. Interest Rates that Vary over Time

Present Worth and Annual Worth Analysis

This session discuss about the value of money in present worth and the analysis. The materials discussed includes:

  1. Formulating Alternatives
  2. Present Worth Analysis of Equal-Life Alternatives
  3. Present Worth Analysis of Different-Life Alternatives
  4. Future Worth Analysis
  5. Capitalized Worth Analysis
  6. Advantages and Uses of Annual Worth Analysis
  7. Capital Recovery Calculation using Annual Worth Values
  8. Evaluating Alternatives by Annual Worth Analysis

Rate of Return Analysis

This session introduce about Rate of Return and the analysis. The materials discussed includes:

  1. Interpretation of Rate of Return Value
  2. Rate of Return for One Alternative
  3. Rate of Return for Multiple Alternatives

Benefit/Cost Analysis

Benefit and cost analysis is one of the most important analysis in engineering economy. This session discuss materials:

  1. Public Sector Projects
  2. Benefit/Cost Analysis of a Single Project
  3. Alternative Selection Using Incremental B/C Analysis
  4. Incremental B/C Analysis of Multiple, Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
  5. Service Sector Projects and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Project Financing and Noneconomic Attributes

As engineering projects are very dependent with financing, this session will introduce to financing in projects, including the noneconomic attributes. This session discuss:

  1. MARR Relative to the Cost of Capital
  2. Debt-Equity Mix and Weighted Average Cost of Capital
  3. Determination of the Cost of Debt Capital
  4. Determination of the Cost of Equity Capital and the MARR
  5. Effect of Debt-Equity Mix on Investment Risk

Effect of Inflation

Inflation in economy influnce the value of money over time. This sessions includes materials in:

  1. Impact of Inflation
  2. Present Worth Calculations Adjusted for Inflation
  3. Future Worth Calculations Adjusted for Inflation
  4. Capital Recovery Calculations Adjusted for Inflation

Cost Estimation and Indirect Cost Allocation

To have a healthy project budgeting, engineers have to know how to estimate the cost of a project. This session will discuss materials in:

  1. Understanding How Cost Estimation is Accomplished
  2. Unit Method & Cost Indexes
  3. Cost Capacity Relationship: Cost-Capacity Equations
  4. Cost Capacity Relationship: Factor Method
  5. Traditional Indirect Cost Rates and Allocation
  6. Activity-Based Costing for Indirect Costs

Depreciation Method

As assests depreciated over time, there are some analysis to calculate depreciation. This session discuss:

  1. Terminology of Depreciation
  2. Straight Line (SL) Depreciation
  3. Declining Balance (DB) and Double Declining Balance (DDB)
  4. Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
  5. MACRS Recovery Period
  6. Sum-of-Year-Digits (SYD) Depreciation

After-Tax Economic Analysis

Economy after tax helps financing to calculate the economy of the project operation after tax cut. The materials in this session includes:

  1. Income Tax Terminology and Basic Relations
  2. Before and After Tax Cash Flow
  3. Effect of Taxes of Different Depreciation Methods and Recovery Periods
  4. Depreciation Recapture and Capital Gains

Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis is important to analyze the influence of external apsects to project profitability analysis. This session will discuss:

  1. Determining Sensitivity to Parameter Variation
  2. Sensitivity Analysis Using Three Estimates
  3. Estimate Variability and the Expected Value
  4. Expected Value Computations for Alternatives