Comprehensive Test Bootcamp - TORCHE Education

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Ujian Komprehensif, sebuah ujian akhir untuk mengetahui kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami dan mengembangkan materi-materi perkuliahan yangg sesuai dengan bidang keilmuannya

Paket Kelas

Kelas Persiapan "Bangun Candi"

Rp3,000,000,- untuk 5 siswa

Rp400,000/siswa untuk siswa tambahan

Kelas ini dirancang untuk melakukan tinjauan singkat dan fokus pada praktik untuk mempersiapkan ujian komprehensif teknik kimia. Kami merekomendasikan kelas ini untuk siswa yang memiliki jadwal padat dan sudah memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang materi

  • 6x Bimbingan Langsung di Google Meets (masing-masing 120 menit)
  • Berlatih dengan Masalah Umum
  • Materi presentasi
  • Rekaman video
  • Konsultasi Gratis di Discord Group

Anda akan belajar:

Course Detail:
  1. Material Balances for Processes without Chemical Reaction
  2. Material Balances for Processes Involving Chemical Reaction
  3. Energy Balances for Processes without Chemical Reaction: Enthalpy and Phase Changes
  4. Energy Balances for Processes Involving Chemical Reaction

Course Detail:
  1. 1st Law of Thermodynamics
  2. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
  3. Applications of Thermodynamics to The Process Engineering
  4. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for Ideal Solution

Course Detail:
  1. Shell Momentum Balances and Velocity Distributions in Laminar Flow
  2. Basic Equation of Fluid Flow
  3. Fluid Statics & Flow Measurement
  4. Flow of Incompressible Fluid in Pipes
  5. Pumps
  6. Blowers and Compressors

Course Detail:
  1. Forced Convection Systems: External Flow & Internal Flow
  2. Natural Convection Systems
  3. Heat Exchangers

Course Detail:
  1. Mole Balances and Rate Law & Collection and Analysis of Rate Data
  2. Conversion and Reactor Sizing
  3. Steady-State Isothermal Reactor Design
  4. Steady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design

Course Detail:
  1. Process Synthesis
  2. Technical Analysis

Kelas Persiapan "Siap Tempur"

Rp6,000,000,- untuk 5 siswa

Rp700,000/siswa untuk siswa tambahan

Kelas ini menekankan pada perkuliahan dan praktik persiapan ujian komprehensif teknik kimia. Kami sangat merekomendasikan kelas ini untuk siswa yang ingin memperkuat pemahaman mereka dari dasar.

  • 10x Bimbingan Langsung di Google Meets (masing-masing 180 menit)
  • Berlatih dengan Masalah Umum
  • Slide Presentasi
  • Rekaman Video
  • Konsultasi Gratis setelah Kelas
  • Bahan Lengkap
  • Buku Pegangan Masalah & Jawaban
  • E-Sertifikat Penyelesaian

Anda akan belajar:

Course Detail:
  1. Material Balances for Processes without Chemical Reaction
  2. Material Balances for Processes Involving Chemical Reaction
  3. Multiphase Systems
  4. Energy Balances for Processes without Chemical Reaction: Enthalpy and Phase Changes
  5. Energy Balances for Processes Involving Chemical Reaction
  6. Material and Energy on Transient Processes

Course Detail:
  1. 1st Law of Thermodynamics
  2. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
  3. Applications of Thermodynamics to The Process Engineering
  4. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for Ideal Solution
  5. Solution Thermodynamics
  6. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for Non-Ideal Solution
  7. Chemical Reaction Equilibria

Course Detail:
  1. Shell Momentum Balances and Velocity Distributions in Laminar Flow
  2. Shell Energy Balances and Temperature Distributions in Solids and Laminar Flow
  3. Shell Mass Balances and Concentration Distributions in Solids and in Laminar Flow
  4. Interphase Transport for Isothermal Systems
  5. Macroscopic Balances for Isothermal Flow Systems
  6. Macroscopic Balances for Nonisothermal and Multicomponent Systems

Course Detail:
  1. Basic Equation of Fluid Flow
  2. Fluid Statics & Flow Measurement
  3. Flow of Incompressible Fluid in Pipes
  4. Pumps
  5. Blowers and Compressors
  6. Radiation: Exchange Between Surfaces
  7. Boundary Layer
  8. Fixed and Fluidized Beds

Course Detail:
  1. One Dimensional Steady-State Conduction without & with Heat Generation
  2. One Dimensional Steady-State Conduction with Heat Generation
  3. Forced Convection Systems: External Flow & Internal Flow
  4. Natural Convection Systems
  5. Heat Exchangers
  6. Radiation: Processes and Properties
  7. Radiation: Exchange Between Surfaces

Course Detail:
  1. Single Equilibrium Stages, Flash Calculations, Batch Distillation
  2. Binary Mixtures Distillation: McCabe-Thiele Method
  3. Multicomponent Distillation: Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland Method
  4. Absorption and Stripping
  5. Humidification Operations
  6. Drying of Solidss

Course Detail:
  1. Mole Balances and Rate Law & Collection and Analysis of Rate Data
  2. Catalysis and Catalytic Reactors
  3. External Diffusion Effects on Heterogeneous Reactions
  4. Diffusion and Reaction
  5. Multiple Reactions
  6. Conversion and Reactor Sizing
  7. Steady-State Isothermal Reactor Design
  8. Steady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design

Course Detail:
  1. Fluid Transport Equipment: Piping Systems
  2. Fluid Transport Equipment: Pumps and Compressors
  3. Heat Exchangers: Single Phase Process
  4. Separation Towers: Distillation and Gas Absorption
  5. Separation Towers: Mechanical Design
  6. Pressure Vessel: Design Considerations
  7. Pressure Vessel: Process Vessel Design

Course Detail:
  1. Theoretical Models of Chemical Processes
  2. Modeling and Analysis for Process Control
  3. Dynamic Behavior
  4. Feedback Loop
  5. PID Algorithm
  6. PID Controller Tuning
  7. Control System Instrumentation

Course Detail:
  1. Process Synthesis
  2. Technical Analysis
  3. Heat Exchangers Network
  4. Utilities and Waste Treatment
  5. \

Tutors Background