
Remote (Online), Indonesia Internship

Job description

  • Developing security system for TORCHE's apps and softwares
  • Developing information and data security management for TORCHE's Internal


  • Any major are welcome to apply (Undergraduate in Computer Science and Information Technology is preferred)
  • Knowledge in IT security system and hierarchy
  • Having knowledge and experience with programming languages is an advantage (Java, JavaScript, Python, SQL, PHP, PowerShell, etc)
  • Proven experience and/or knowledge in cybersecurity
  • Having knowledge in ISO 27001, ISO 27033, ISO 27034, and/or NIST SP 800-30 is a plus
  • Attention to detail, creative thinking and problem solving is a must
  • Great communication both verbal and written.
  • Ability to work both independently or collaborate on team projects

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Job Summary

Published On: 27th January 2023

Job Nature: Internship

Benefits: Trainings, Certificates*

Location: Remote (Online), Indonesia

Deadline Submission: 31th January 2023

Internship di Torche Education

Internship with TORCHE adalah program magang jarak jauh (remote internship) untuk mahasiswa dan lulusan baru. Internship ini berjalan selama 4 bulan dan bersifat unpaid, namun dapat mendapatkan insentif. Jam kerja yang diharapkan untuk program magang adalah 14 jam/minggu atau 2 jam/hari (termasuk akhir pekan), dan dapat diatur secara bebas oleh masing-masing peserta magang.


Torche Education tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun selama proses rekrutmen, dan semua proses rekrutmen dilakukan secara daring (online)